Up: Introduction to MPI-2
Next: MPI-2 Terms and Conventions
Previous: Background
This document is organized as follows:
- Chapter MPI-2 Terms and Conventions
, MPI-2 Terms and Conventions,
explains notational terms and conventions used
throughout the MPI-2 document.
- Chapter Version 1.2 of MPI
, Version 1.2 of MPI,
contains the specification of MPI-1.2, which
has one new function and consists primarily of clarifications to MPI-1.1.
It is expected that some implementations will need
modification in order to become MPI-1 compliant, as the result of these
The rest of this document contains the MPI-2 Standard Specification.
It adds substantial new types of functionality to MPI, in most cases
specifying functions for an extended computational model (e.g., dynamic process
creation and one-sided communication) or for a significant new capability
(e.g., parallel I/O).
The following is a list of the chapters in MPI-2, along with
a brief description of each.
- Chapter Miscellany
, Miscellany, discusses items that don't fit
elsewhere, in particular language interoperability.
- Chapter Process Creation and Management
, Process Creation and Management, discusses the
extension of MPI to remove the static process model in MPI. It
defines routines that allow for creation of processes.
- Chapter One-Sided Communications
, One-Sided Communications, defines
communication routines that can be completed by a single process. These include
shared-memory operations (put/get) and remote accumulate operations.
- Chapter Extended Collective Operations
, Extended Collective Operations,
extends the semantics of MPI-1 collective operations to include
intercommunicators. It also adds more convenient methods of constructing
intercommunicators and two new collective operations.
- Chapter External Interfaces
, External Interfaces,
defines routines designed to allow developers to layer on
top of MPI. This includes generalized requests, routines that
decode MPI opaque objects, and threads.
- Chapter I/O
, I/O, defines MPI-2 support for parallel I/O.
- Chapter Language Bindings
, Language Bindings, describes the C++ binding
and discusses Fortran-90 issues.
The Appendices are:
- Annex Language Binding
, Language Bindings,
gives bindings for MPI-2 functions, and lists constants, error
codes, etc.
- Annex MPI-1 C++ Language Binding
, MPI-1 C++ Language Binding,
gives C++ bindings for MPI-1.
The MPI Function Index is a simple index showing the location of
the precise definition of each MPI-2 function, together with C, C++,
and Fortran bindings.
MPI-2 provides various interfaces to facilitate interoperability
of distinct MPI implementations. Among these are the canonical
data representation for MPI I/O and for MPI_PACK_EXTERNAL and
The definition of an actual binding of these interfaces that will
enable interoperability is outside the scope of this document.
A separate document consists of ideas that were discussed in the
MPI Forum and deemed to have value, but are not included in the MPI
Standard. They are part of the ``Journal of Development'' (JOD), lest good ideas be
lost and in order to provide a starting point for further work.
The chapters in the JOD are
- Chapter , Spawning Independent Processes,
includes some elements of dynamic process management, in particular
management of processes with which the spawning processes do not intend to
communicate, that the Forum discussed at length but ultimately decided not
to include in the MPI Standard.
- Chapter , Threads and MPI, describes some
of the expected
interaction between an MPI implementation and a thread library in a
multi-threaded environment.
- Chapter , Communicator ID, describes an
approach to providing identifiers for communicators.
- Chapter , Miscellany, discusses
Miscellaneous topics in the MPI JOD, in particular single-copy routines for
use in shared-memory environments and new datatype constructors.
- Chapter , Toward a Full Fortran 90 Interface,
describes an approach to providing a more elaborate Fortran 90 interface.
- Chapter , Split Collective
Communication, describes a specification for certain non-blocking
collective operations.
- Chapter , Real-Time MPI, discusses MPI support for
real time processing.

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Next: MPI-2 Terms and Conventions
Previous: Background
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MPI-2.0 of July 18, 1997
HTML Generated on September 10, 2001